Thursday, September 29, 2016


I'm reading a devotional from a well known book, One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. This daily read encourages you to find God's grace in everyday life. The writer challenges the reader to look at things with a grateful heart, realizing that we are blessed with simple things because of God's grace to us.
I'm sharing my top two from this week:
Blueberry runs - I have never lived in such a beautiful place to run. Sure, it's hilly; and the tundra can either prick your heals or make them sink in wet sponge-like moss... but the blueberries! Kara and I ran past a patch that blanketed the ground in dark blue. We quickly turned around and picked and ate until we couldn't eat anymore. Ben must think I'm an endurance runner when I'm out for an hour.
Little does he know that half that hour is sitting, eating wild berries.

Kylie - my other gift of grace. She became a good friend to me here last year. But now she's not just a friend. She's Wolfe's teacher, and baby lover, and an exercise enthusiast. So Sunday she's making Dagny giggle during house church, Tuesday she is sending me pictures of Wolfe on the playground, then that same
night she invites me to volleyball. She also loves Jesus; and I'm reminded of God's grace through that.
Wolfe showing his artwork to Kylie during our tiny church time


  1. oh jeanne. this makes my heart so happy! God knows our hearts so intimately and knows exactly what we need!! i rejoice with you that you have found these wonderful gifts. and i am so glad you picked up 1000 gifts! it changed my life and is one of my top most impactful books.

    1. thanks, friend!
      I could guess that you have read this book already! ;) You've always reminded me to count the tiny, baby things in life as God's graces too!
